Fresh From the Farm Blog

Clean Slate…Everything is Possible

Fredericksburg Farms

Clean Slate…Everything is Possible

I just got my new calendar planner in last week. You know the kind with a cool cover and an elastic strap that can hold it all together when I fill it full of dentist and doctor appointment cards, birthday invitations, and a stray shopping list or two. When I opened it up on New Years Day as I sat with my coffee waiting for the Tournament of Roses Parade to begin, I realized that it was full of blank pages with nothing written on them yet, no to do lists that have never been finished, no exercise times scheduled...

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Are you ready for the New Year?

Fredericksburg Farms

Are you ready for the New Year?

As you approach the New Year are you into resolutions or reflections? In my lifetime I have made more resolutions that I care to remember, some I have kept but most fell by the side after a few months. So, with that in mind, I have changed from resolutions to reflections at New Years. I reflect on the many blessings that have happened in my life during the year and on the many people that have graced my path on this most current trip around the sun. Happy New Year and cheers to 2024!

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It’s almost Christmas and the Elves are tired!

Fredericksburg Farms

It’s almost Christmas and the Elves are tired!

There is sooooo much to do!!! It’s only 5 days until Christmas and everyone seems to be going full speed planning holiday parties, baking, shopping for presents, and decorating everything in sight! At Fredericksburg Farms we have been doing all of these things all while working diligently each day getting those Christmas gifts you ordered sent to their destinations on time. In the midst of this “busy-ness,” let us all take a collective breath, put down our phones, set the elf hats aside, and remember the reason for the season. Joy to the world the Lord is come, let every...

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What is your best holiday memory?

Fredericksburg Farms

What is your best holiday memory?

For many of us Christmas is a magical time of year and the spirit of the season fills our hearts. Often, we experience and see this season reflected through the lens of Christmases past. Memories of a long-ago holiday may pop up and make us smile or may make us sad, and determined to do things differently in the future. Whatever the case may be, each Christmas is an opportunity to make new memories with those people who are important in our lives. I remember being little and standing at my grandparent’s door looking outside at colored Christmas lights reflecting...

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Warehouse Warriors

Fredericksburg Farms

Warehouse Warriors

Have you ever wondered how your Fredericksburg Farms order gets from us to you? Let me tell you, after you click “place order” on your computer or phone your order is given a number and shows up on our computer screen and then is downloaded in to our mail order management system. From here the order along with a “pick ticket” goes to our warehouse. Once the order is received by the warehouse crew, one of them pulls the items from inventory for your order and they are placed in a tub along with the pick ticket and invoice. The...

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