Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 16. For all of the dads who work at Fredericksburg Farms we salute you and hope you feel loved and appreciated on your “special day.” Dads are the guys who will tell you the real reason you need to do your chore list first before going out with your friends…your mom holds the purse strings for allowances and it is never a bad idea to impress Mom. They also often let little things slide without calling you out for every wrongdoing, because they hope you will return the favor. My daddy gave me a love for reading and showed be that if you are patient, you can untangle most of life’s problems. Although he is gone now, I think of him often and smile when I catch myself doing something that he showed me how to do. Here at Fredericksburg Farms we will miss and remember our “work dad,” founder, and co-owner, Steven McAnally. As we celebrate this first Father’s Day without him, I hope we are continuing to do things he taught us, things like treating everyone with respect, and valuing each person’s contribution, and being the best version of yourself that you can be. Happy Father’s Day all!
(pictured above is D. Glenn Campbell, father of Randye Campbell McAnally, on the outer link, the couple by the Jeep are the parents of Glenn Campbell, R.G. and Zella Campbell.)