Mike Heinzman and Creative Funds Fundraiser

Fredericksburg Farms has been helping organizations raise money to meet their fundraising goals for over 15 years. We’ve partnered with PTAs / PTOs, bands, choirs, cheer groups, dance and drill teams, scouts, church groups, gymnastic groups, FFA chapters, 4H clubs, youth sports teams and many others over our decade plus time in the fundraising business. We know that fundraising will be different due to COVID-19 but we also know that organizations still have a need to raise money for a variety of expenses.
This year we are offering two different programs that both feature our high-quality, Texas-made products. In addition to our Traditional Fundraising Program that you’ve run in the past, this year we’re offering a new twist on fundraising with our Affiliate Fundraising Program. Both programs will feature completely no-touch product delivery to ensure the safety of the students and the customers.
Affiliate Fundraising
Traditional Fundraising
Fredericksburg Farms Fundraising has a program for your group regardless of size, location, or fundraising goals. Fill out the form below and a fundraising representative will be in touch with you shortly to see which program will work best for your group.