Wilkommen! That is welcome in German and the town of Fredericksburg extends a hearty welcome to one and all this weekend. We will be celebrating Oktoberfest all weekend, Oct. 4-6, downtown Fredericksburg in the center of town at Marktplatz. There will be food and vendor booths offering German foods, German attire, hats, flower crowns, and of course…beer. There is live music and a dance floor all weekend and many special events for all ages with a special children’s area with games and prizes. Come and do the “Chicken Dance,” hear local tuba players blow it out at “Oktubafest,” and try out your skills on the dance floor with a polka or the schottische. If you can’t be here in person, order some of our Fredericksburg Farms German mustards and dip a pretzel or two while you listen to a rousing round of Beer Barrel Polka.