Total Solar Eclipse - April 8

Fredericksburg Farms

Steve McAnally

Are you going to be able to view the upcoming total solar eclipse? In Fredericksburg we are lucky to be in the path of totality and everyone is eagerly anticipating the view, which for many will be a once in a lifetime experience. It had been my plan to have this blog all about the April 8 eclipse and how people have viewed eclipses down through time. Something happened on March 26 that changed my plan, my husband of 43 plus years and the CEO of our family company, Fredericksburg Farms, was taken from us in a tragic accident. The whole Fredericksburg Farms family has been shaken as Steven McAnally was a force of nature in himself. So now I find myself wondering what this eclipse will look like from his new vantage point. From ours, we will watch in wonder next Monday, and I hope all who knew Steven will take a minute on Eclipse Day to be intentional about something in your life. Call someone who has been on your mind, smile at a stranger, offer to help the person in the grocery store who is unable to reach an item on the top shelf, but most of all tell all those you hold dear that you love them each and every day. The last words I heard from my Steven were, “I love you!” From the whole Fredericksburg Farms family to all of our vendors, customers, delivery drivers, and anyone who has a relationship with us…WE LOVE YOU!!!

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